Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian Year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. Te members of Christ's Church know that the kingdom of God is more valuable than the richest treasure this world has to offer. Worldly wealth is a blessing from God. But it must never become of greater value to us than spiritual riches. We would be willing to part with anything and everything in order to obtain it.
The Church Grows: The Kingdom of Heaven is Like a Treasure and a Net
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian Year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. The members of Christ's Church live and work in an unbelieving world. If Christians are good wheat, they are surrounded on all sides by weeds. However, rather than growing impatient and rather than taking things into our own hands, the Church's members confidently wait for Christ's judgment on the last day. Then the wheat will be gathered into the barn. Then the weeds will be thrown into the fire.
The Church Grows: Don't Let Christ Become Moderately Important
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. The builders who are called into Christ's service should also expect to face choices. Christ did not come to bring peace but division. When that division occurs, their love for Christ will far outweigh love for anything else, even life itself. And yet, what a blessing that Jesus promises: whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
The Church Grows: The Only Righteousness—God's
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. The builders who are called into Christ's service should expect persecution. Just as Jesus was opposed, so will they be. However, they need not fear that opposition. Jesus promises to acknowledge before his Father all those who acknowledge him before mankind. To builders in the Church, God's approval is far more important than the approval of mankind.
The Church Grows: The Harvest Is Plentiful
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. The builders who are called into Christ's service are to be viewed as a gift—given by a gracious God out of compassion for his people. God sends them to serve as shepherds for his sheep—to feed, guide, and protect them from harm.
Installation: Pastor Daniel Schroeder
God provides various gifts to his people for the good of his Church. The apostle Paul says: "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all people. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good." This evening the Spirit is placing one of his servants into a ministry that serves the Church through print and media. We are thankful that it is the Spirit who works through his servants.
Holy Trinity: I Pray That You Get to Know Him Better
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Church Year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. That focus begins with a reminder that the once true Church is built by the one true God. The Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is the only God the Church worships and the only God who makes it grow. We go forth into the world confident in his presence and promises.
Pentecost: Come, Holy Spirit, Come!
Come, Holy Spirit! The Spirit is given on the first Christian Pentecost in fulfillment of promise and prophesy; and he continues to come to his faithful through Word and Sacrament. The Church never ceases to be renewed and to grow.
The Spoils of War: Be Prepared To Cause Trouble
For forty days we followed our Savior in his battle against sin. Having celebrated his victory
from the grave on Easter Sunday, we now spend fifty days rejoicing in the spoils of war that are
ours in him. Today we rejoice that access to the Father is given through the Son. Our need to be at one with God who made us is satisfied because of what Christ our Savior has done.
The Spoils of War: Don't Be Afraid To Live Your Faith
For forty days we followed our Savior in his battle against sin. Having celebrated his victory
from the grave on Easter Sunday, we now spend fifty days rejoicing in the spoils of war that are
ours in him. Today we see that Jesus has promised to permanently dwell with us through his
Spirit, the Spirit who makes us Jesus disciples and enables us to show ourselves as such by
obeying his commands.