As we near he end of this half of the Church Year, we focus on the Church's Lord. Out of genuinely repentant hearts he expects fruit to grow. None will be given a free pass on the basis of their heritage or ancestry. If a tree is truly good, it will naturally bear fruit.
The Church's Lord Expects Real Repentance
As we near he end of this half of the Church Year, we focus on the Church's Lord. He is both perfectly gracious and perfectly just. He does not tolerate willful, deliberate sin, but calls us to turn from our wickedness and seek his pardoning love. May God's Spirit continue to work daily repentance in our hearts.
The Church's Lord is Inexplicably Gracious
As we near the end of this half of the Church Year, We focus on the Church's Lord. He is generous to the point of absurdity. No degree or duration of sin can possibly disqualify a person from his free pardon. Anyone who turns to him will not be turned away.
The Church's Mission is to Forgive as God Forgives
Christ's Church has an ongoing mission, and that mission is to freely offer God's forgiveness. After speaking words of rebuke, it is tempting to hold a grudge or seek revenge. However, just as we have been freely forgiven, Jesus calls us to freely forgive.
The Church Grows: Do You Hear the Applause of Heaven?
Today we learn that the Church has an ongoing mission, and that mission includes seeking those who stray. Though it is becoming increasingly unpopular to confront others in their sin, that is the very thing Jesus calls us to do. Out of love for their souls, we patiently and lovingly speak words of rebuke with the goal of leading them to repentance.
The Church Grows: The Cost of Discipleship
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christians Year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. That Church has an ongoing mission, and that mission has always and will always include carrying a cross. Just as Christ's work as the Church's head included carrying his cross, our work as his body includes the same. While on earth, the Church's existence is characterized by struggle. But in heaven a crown awaits.
The Church Grows: The Truth Is Jesus Is The Christ
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian Year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. That Church has an ongoing mission, and that mission will never fail. The members of Christ's Church are sealed from eternity and the best of Satan's attacks will never bring down her walls. On the last day, each and everyone of God's elect will be gathered, saved from the earth's destruction, safe from Satan's temptations.
The Church Grows: Woman, You Have Great Faith!
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian Year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. That Church has an ongoing mission, and that mission is to all people. In every age and place, it is easy for Christ's Church to think only of those who look, act, and speak like us. Christ reminds us that he is the Savior of all and our mission is to bring his saving word to all.
The Church Grows: My God, Why Is This Happening to Me?
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian Year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. The members of Christ's Church know that he who is able to command the wind and the waves is able to shield us from all the storms of life. Evidence of his great power drives all doubt from our mind. Whether he keeps us from evil, delivers us out of evil, or uses evil for our good, he remains firmly in control of all things.
The Church Grows: Live Your Hope
Having reviewed the great events of the life of Christ, the second half of the Christian Year gives us opportunity to focus on Christ's Church. The members of Christ's Church know that the earth is the Lord's and everything in it. Out of the depth of his resources he is able to provide all that we need. Whether through our work and planning or through miraculous means, God is able to open his hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.